Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our Policy on Protection of Personal Information

Fujitsu Research FUJITSU LIMITED is committed to respecting the privacy of users of our website. We recognize that personally identifiable information (Personal Information) such as your name, address, or email address is your valuable private information. You may visit our website without disclosing your personal information, and we do not collect your personal information when you browse our website. Therefore, we may analyze statistical trends, such as which pages on our website are popular, but the information used for such analysis does not include personal information. When personal information is collected on our website, this fact is clearly stated and the collected personal information is handled in accordance with the items in the following “Handling of Personal Information Protection”. We may use cookies on our website, but unless you enter your personal information on the website, we cannot identify you and you will remain anonymous. You can also configure your browser to reject cookies.

Handling of Personal Information Protection

We promise to comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning any personal information held by us, and to protect and respect the personal information of our customers in accordance with the following items:

  1. We will appoint a representative in each department that handles the personal information of customers, appoint a person to be in charge of management, and implement strict security measures to manage personal information appropriately.
  2. When we collect your personal information from you, we will collect only the necessary range of personal information after notifying you of the purpose of collection, our contact with you, the scope of companies to which we provide your personal information, etc.
  3. We will appropriately manage personal information collected from customers, and will not provide or disclose any personal information to any third parties without the express consent of the involved customer.
  4. Companies that we provide personal information based on the express consent of the customer in point 3 are required by contract not to leak or re-provide the customer’s personal information, and also are required to implement appropriate management.
  5. If you wish to make inquiries about or corrections to your personal information, we will respond to your request as soon as possible within a reasonable period of time if you contact us through one of our contact points.

About Google Analytics

Some of the pages on our website use Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, to track your visits to our site. When Google Analytics is used on our website, Google will collect, record and analyze your visits to our site based on cookies that we publish. We receive the results of the analysis from Google and understand how you are visiting our site. The information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics does not include any information that identifies any particular individual. Google will also manage that information in accordance with its privacy policy.

You can also disable Google Analytics in your browser’s add-on settings to stop us from collecting information about you that Google Analytics uses. You can disable Google Analytics by downloading and installing the “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” from the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on page and changing your browser’s add-on settings. Note that if you disable Google Analytics, it will also be disabled even on websites other than our website that you visit, but you can re-enable Google Analytics by reconfiguring browser add-ons.

To learn more about the Google Analytics Terms of Service, visit the Google Analytics website. To learn more about Google’s privacy policy, visit Google’s Privacy & Terms website.

Google Analytics Terms of Service:

Google Privacy Policy:

Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on: